We had so much fun and never had a moment to breathe between Easter egg hunts, tractor rides, temple sessions, the zoo, and good ol' visiting (sorry for those of you we missed :(….). Porter only got car sick twice and once we convinced him the dramamine would keep him from spewing, it was all good. That, and he got to sit shotgun the rest of the time. It all went so well, we're actually crazy enough that we've started planning our trip next year!
Here are some pics of our adventures:
The boys just after their tractor ride! (Thanks to Warner and Rose Marie Mattice)
I snuck this one of Papa Max and Porterman
Another sneaky pic at the Mesa Temple Visitor Center.
The best ones happen when they don't know you're taking them :)
The whole (almost) fam damily ;)
Whenever we get together, I still feel I'm 9 years old (in a good way)
Feeding the ducks at the fairgrounds. We HAVE to do this every time we make a trip to AZ
Kiddos at the Zoo. I promise they were having a blast despite what their expressions may say.